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Quality and environment policies

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Quality and
environment policies

We are an organization dedicated to the commercialization and innovation of interior and exterior decorative coatings and systems. Also, we offer training on the use and application of our products for those interested professionals.

Currently we are part of distributor, business delegations and professional in Spain, Europe, South America and North America. In addition to this through the professionals using our brands there are applications of our CimentArt products on the five continents. 

As a company committed with the quality of our products and the care of the environment. The administration of CimentArt is focus on the Management Systems as the way of dealing with and organize the environmental and quality aspects taking place in the organization: the emergency, the risks, the legal requisites, the client satisfaction, the quality of the products and the continuous improvements on the efficiency of this System amongst others. 

 Therefore, the Management Systems of CimentArt are based on:

  • Promote an efficient use of the natural resources available.
  • To establish and review in a regular basis the objectives and goals on quality and environmental matters, in accordance with the commitments made on this declaration. For the effective application of these principles, is necessary to get support from the team as well as the staff.  
  • To train and sensitize the organization personnel about the performance on the environmental and quality matters, as well as providing the necessary resources for the efficiency on the Management systems implemented. 
  • The systems and their improvements are the responsibility of all the members of the organization, starting from the top of the org board. 
  • The quality direct us to take the maximum attention on technology evolution and to the possible improvements that our technology could put at our disposal. 
  • We implement, keep and improve continusly the Quality and Environmental Integral Management Systems, through the requirements of the regulations UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001, as well as complying with the legislation and rules related with the product, service, quality, the environment and those requirements that are applicable.  .
  • We acquire de commitment of continuous improvement, quality and contamination prevention from the process as well as service performance, the efficiency of the implemented management systems, on which the mistakes prevention is a fundamental aspect.   
  • We establish actions to take care of the liabilities to eliminate them, reduce them and control them.
  • We work with the objective of offering the maximum quality on our products and services for the satisfaction of our client’s necessities.  
  • We continually improve the planning, organization, review and control of our productive and service systems, in accordance with the evaluation that the market request from us, promoting the energetic efficiency and the recycling, from the products design stage and the process, reducing, as much as possible, waste and emissions generated because our activities. 
  • We encourage the internal communications systems regarding the efficient of the policy, regulations and results on the matter of liabilities prevention, supporting the participation, consultation of our own, and external company’s staff members. 
  • We collaborate with our providers and subcontractors in the improvement of their quality and environmental actions.
  • We keep an open relationship of collaboration with our clients, (and interested parties) through the commitment of the whole organization on following its responsibilities and requirements, as well as legal requirements and the products requirements, improving the exterior information.   

The implemented management systems CimentArt require participation and collaboration of everyone, whereby this policy is widespread to all the interested parties.  

Management will review periodically this policy with the objective of developing the concept of constant betterment and keeping it actualized.  

El Campello, October 24, 2019.

Fdo. Juan Aranda Marín